Journey to Aetherius
Sixth and final Maze - Mantella Chamber

The Mantellan Heart is straight ahead, just levitate and cross the room.
Minimum PC Level - 14
Now you're in the last part of your journey. Follow the left wall and you will come to a large open room and you will see the chamber of the Mantellan Heart. Cast a levitate spell and cross the room to the Heart.

Touch the Mantellan Heart and you will be transported back to Nulfaga's side.
Now you only need to click on the Mantellan Heart which rests within. You will be instantly transported back to Nulfaga's side where you will be shown the results of your long and hard struggle. The game is finished and now it's time for heroes to take a well-deserved rest (or start the game again!!) CONGRATULATIONS!
A special thanks to the programmers and artists at Bethesda Softworks for creating and publishing this VERY special and wonderful game. I'm anxiously looking forward to the sequel! ~ "Wizardboy"
Floating Island Chamber
Temple Chamber
Inverted Shrine Chamber
Fiery Skull Chamber
Sword and Crossbow Chamber
Mantella Chamber
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