Journey to Aetherius
Fifth Maze - Sword and Crossbow Chamber

This giant sword will become the walkway to reach the final chamber.
Minimum PC Level - 14
This one is a maze that's difficult to describe, you need to keep going up until you find a set of corridors with a door at the end. Go through the door and look for a secret door on the opposite wall. Continue without turning until you reach the room where Clavicus Vile is waiting for you. When he asks you which weapon he prefers (after a blade) answer "crossbow". This causes an opening to appear at the base of the giant sword. Now turn around and go back to the pit and jump in. You will be transported to the base of the giant sword.
Enter the opening at the base of the sword and you will see a chest, with two strange red objects floating over it. Click on the left object and the chest will open to reveal a smaller chest within. Click on the small chest and it will open to reveal a gem within. Click on this gem and the entire island will begin to descend.

This giant crossbow is missing only the bolt (arrow). Guess what? You're it!
When the island has stopped desending you will be at the level of the giant crossbow. Step onto the platform, which is the notch of the crossbow (save your game first!). Now touch the axe on the left, closest to you and the crossbow will shoot you up to the level of the giant sword, which is now beginning to lean over and form a ramp upwards. Walk up the ramp and into another hole in the wall of stars. You are now in the sixth and final maze.
Floating Island Chamber
Temple Chamber
Inverted Shrine Chamber
Fiery Skull Chamber
Sword and Crossbow Chamber
Mantella Chamber
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